There are many who hold, as I do, that the most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers. ---Maria Montessori The Absorbent Mind |
The Children's House (Casa) provides children ages 3–6 years with a safe, inviting environment rich in developmentally appropriate activities. Mi Escuela Montessori has four Casa communities. Each classroom has a Montessori trained, Florida certified teacher and a Montessori trained assistant teacher and serves between 24-26 students. The Montessori classroom schedule allows for an uninterrupted 3-hour work period in the morning and an additional uninterrupted work period in the afternoon. The Montessori prepared environment is set up like a “living room” for children and includes carefully designed Montessori materials, organized in a sequence from simple to complex, that provide compelling opportunities for purposeful activities. Younger children learn how to follow the Montessori cycle of work, while older children explore complex concepts through individual and small group lessons and interaction with hands-on materials.
Practical Life
The Practical life activities are the foundation of the Montessori classroom. Children learn to care for themselves, others and the environment through practical life lessons. They gain the ability to concentrate, follow a sequence, and master fine and gross motor skills through their repetition with these materials. Grace and Courtesy lessons, formal lessons in social skills and peace education, are included in Practical Life. |
The Sensorial materials are hands-on materials which are designed to build and refine student’s sensitivity to the physical world. They offer students a way to explore, order, classify and name concepts such as shape, form (geometric solids), length, width, height, temperature, taste, color and more. |
Children use carefully sequenced manipulative materials to internalize mathematical concepts. They begin by exploring the relationships between quantity, symbols (numerals), and sequence and move towards more challenging topics such as operations into the thousands, memorization of math facts, naming fractions, telling time, and more. |
The language curriculum at Mi Escuela Montessori provides students with a firm foundation in oral literacy. Students participate in activities to expand their vocabulary in both English and Spanish through language lessons, activities and games. They learn the basics of written expression through sandpaper letters, moveable alphabets, and presentations to link sounds to symbols. Later, they progress towards studying children’s literature, grammar, and word and sentence analysis. |
Through the cultural areas of the classrooms, students are exposed to lessons in geography, history, life science, physical science, engineering, computer science, music and art. Although there are specific areas of the classroom dedicated to cultural studies, they are also integrated into all areas of the classroom. |
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