Mi Escuela Montessori is requesting bids from vendors for its school breakfast, lunch and snack program. Please see attached for more details. ![]()
Question: Are there any equipment or small wares being requested by the location?
Response: I am usure what should be defined as small wares. However, please check the RFP timeline for site visit dates. Feel free to do an assessment of the smallwares and equipment availability. Also refer to the RFP vendor responsibility page to secure an understanding accordingly. Question: Is this site accepting "Bulk Meals" for the 2023-24 school year? Response: Yes, we prefer to maintain the current meal delivery type Question: Is this a public Bid opening? Response: Yes, see RFP Timeline outline. Mi Escuela Montessori is requesting bids from vendors for its school breakfast, lunch and snack program. Please see attached for more details. ![]()
Answers to Questions:
1. You've stated before that the bid needs to include us providing heating for example heating warmer trays to keep the product hot. Are we also providing refrigeration for beverage? The proposal must narrate how you will maintain the meals for service. The RFP is requesting the vendor to provide all equipment necessary to fulfill service. 2. With the service of the food are we just delivering and services being provided for the food or are we also should provide individuals for services? We are not contracting a management service. The vendor contract involves delivery of meals only. All services personnel will be provided by the school. See RFP. 3. Can you also please let us know what all is included for example in our delivery of the meals on a daily basis? I believe the numbers could change according to the RFP therefore 168 students may not be 168 students so we would be told that at what time the day before or should we be planning on cooking for 168 students on a daily basis? The response must be written for 168 students. We cannot speak to an increase at this time. Daily orders will reflect the numbers . See RFP. 4. What also should be provided? Utensils, plastic ware as well as the serving trays that the food is going to be served on? Can a list be provided as to what also is needed to be provided in the bid? Your response should identify your service quality and style. This includes "providing all necessary equipment". 5. Invoices are to be turned in every two weeks in accordance with the RFP as well as in accordance with the 41-day rule via the national school lunch program guidelines. Is there any preparation that can assist if needed to pay the vendor ahead of schedule? There is no contingency for payment to be made prior to service. Please see the RFP. 6. Can you also give a breakdown off the demographics of the students because we would like to structure the meals compositions so folks could have not just a variety but very similar to what they know and still fall into the guidelines of the national school lunch program. We are not able to provide the demographics in preparation for a contract. Mi Escuela Montessori is requesting bids from vendors for its school lunch program. Please see attached for more details.
Actualización de instalaciones |
It’s always fun unpacking materials! We received a huge box of beautiful Maitri Learning materials which need to be laminated. (We can also use some translation for some materials.) Reach out to us if you have access to a laminator and can help us get our materials ready! | ¡Siempre es divertido desempacar materiales! Recibimos una caja enorme de hermosos materiales de Maitri Learning que deben laminarse. (También podemos utilizar alguna traducción para algunos materiales). Comuníquese con nosotros si tiene acceso a una máquina laminadora y puede ayudarnos a preparar nuestros materiales. |
Families frequently ask what kind of donations we need for our school. As a new school, we will be purchasing furniture, classroom materials, and paying for teacher training. The most useful way to support our school this year is to donation towards our #Open2021 campaign.
| Las familias preguntan con frecuencia qué tipo de donaciones necesitamos para nuestra escuela. Como escuela nueva, compraremos muebles, materiales para el aula y pagaremos la capacitación de maestros. La forma más útil de apoyar a nuestra escuela este año es mediante una donación para nuestra campaña #Open2021.
Within the next few weeks, our online enrollment platform will go live on Transparent Classroom. Families will be able to upload their enrollment paperwork! We will also release our Preschool Financial Aid applications and tuition payment plans on the TADS platform. You can learn more about how to prepare for your financial aid application by reading this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_elxfMzjkinyKDy0NM5TXGKuqywW6eyy/view?usp=sharing | En las próximas semanas, nuestra plataforma de inscripción en línea estará disponible en Transparent Classroom. ¡Las familias podrán subir sus documentos de inscripción! También publicaremos nuestras solicitudes de Ayuda Financiera Preescolar y planes de pago de matrícula en la plataforma TADS. Puede obtener más información sobre cómo prepararse para su solicitud de ayuda financiera leyendo esto: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_elxfMzjkinyKDy0NM5TXGKuqywW6eyy/view?usp=sharing |
Mi Escuela Montessori da la bienvenida a Hazel Sellers a su junta directiva. La Sra. Sellers tiene 27 años de experiencia en educación y 16 años de servicio en la Junta Escolar del Condado de Polk. | Mi Escuela Montessori welcomes Hazel Sellers to its governing board. Ms. Sellers has 27 years experience in education and 16 years of service on Polk County School Board. |
Founder and Board President of Mi Escuela Montessori
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Heartland Crime Stoppers provides cash awards for anonymous information regarding crimes occurring in Polk, Highlands and Hardee Counties. Report a crime by calling 1-800-226-8477